(see registration information below for details)
IMN’s Hedge Fund Activism and Shareholder Value Summit brings together hedge funds, private equity firms and public pension funds together with corporate executives and board members, investment banks, asset managers, securities litigation firms, corporate law firms, advisory firms, and proxy solicitors for two days of networking and learning on current trends and the future outlook for hedge fund activism.
The Summit aims to inform corporations and institutional investors on innovations and opportunities in this alternative strategy, while providing insight into how active value managers operate.
A few of the topics that will be discussed include:
- The Activist Playbook For A More Volatile Economy
- Trends in Hedge Fund Activism
- Case Study: Pershing Square vs. Target Corp. 2009 Proxy Contest
- Challenging The Poison Pill
- The Court of Public Opinion And Shareholder Activism
- Corporate Governance And Expectations From Boards
- How Investors Can Gain Access to Corporate Proxy Materials And How Companies Will Prevent It
- Activism In Asia
- Activist Investing In 2010 and Beyond
Damien Park, Conference Co-Chairman
Managing Partner, Hedge Fund Solutions
Michael Flaherman, Conference Co-Chairman
Managing Director, New Mountain Capital
Jared Landaw, Barington Capital Group
Rachel Posner, Georgeson Inc
Joele Frank, Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher
Matthew Sherman, Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher
Robert Ladd, LaddCap Value Advisors
Andrew Shapiro, Lawndale Capital Management
Timothy Brog, Locksmith Capital Management
Jeffrey Shapiro, Lowenstein Sandler
Mark Harnett, MacKenzie Partners
Clifford Press, Oliver Press Partners
Richard Lashley, PL Capital
Christopher Young, RiskMetrics Group
Marc Weingarten, Schulte Roth & Zabel
David Rosewater, Schulte Roth & Zabel
Dennis Johnson, Shamrock Activist Value Fund
Richard Moore, Fmr. Treasurer, North Carolina
Daniel Léger, Steel Partners
David Baran, Symphony Financial Partners
David Katz, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
Arthur Lipson, Western Investments
Click Here to go to the Event Home Page.
Registration and SPECIAL DISCOUNT:
Email: joannajohnson@imn.org and reference "Activist Blog" to register and claim a 10% discount.